
Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (MFGT) hereby informs its customers that based on available capacities, the injection of storage working gas capacities is expected to be completed on 13 October 2020.


SMCS System Maintenance

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (MFGT) hereby informs its customers and partners that between 22:00 on (Saturday) 19 September and 05:00 on (Sunday) 20 September 2020, the SMCS Platform will not be accessible due to scheduled maintenance.


Auction Announcement Notice – 2020/4

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (hereinafter referred to as MFGT) on this day announces an auction for booking available storage capacities for the storage years 2020/21 and 2021/22. The capacity auction is carried out by MFGT in line with the Storage Capacity Auction Regulation II/B document as per Annex No. 1.


Personnel changes

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (MFGT) hereby informs its customers and partners that the following personnel changes shall be effective in the Company’s management as of 1 July 2020.


Storage Tariff Change applicable as of 01 October 2020

Information on the Storage Tariff Change applicable as of 01 October 2020 We kindly inform our Customers that pursuant to HEPURA Decree No. 5/2020 (VI.2.) published in the Hungarian Official Gazette (Magyar Közlöny) No. 130 of 2020, the natural gas storage fee elements set out in HEPURA Decree No. 13/2016 (XII.20.) will be modified as of 1 October 2020.


Auction Announcement Notice – 2020/3

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (hereinafter referred to as MFGT) on this day announces an auction for booking available storage capacities for the storage year 2020/21. The capacity auction is carried out by MFGT in line with the Storage Capacity Auction Regulation II/B document as per Annex No. 1.



We hereby inform our Customers that a press release was published today on the website of GIE (Gas Infrastructure Europe) on the operation of gas storage sites amid the pandemic situation, including a statement from László Fritsch, our Company’s Chairman-CEO and President of GSE.


MFGT Interruptible Injection and Withdrawal Capacity Service Offer

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (MFGT) issues today a call for tenders for booking interruptible injection and withdrawal storage capacities for the storage year 2020/2021.


Offer Announcement on Using “Express Services” for Storage Year 2021/2022 - closed on 22 January 2021.

Any system user (“System User”) that is exclusively subject to Act No. XL of 2008 on natural gas supply (Gas Act) and the related Government Decree No. 19/2009 (I.30.) on the implementation of Act No. XL. of 2008 on natural gas supply (Implementation Decree), and has pursuant to a contract concluded with MFGT a storage capacity booking (including: injection capacity – working gas capacity – withdrawal capacity, hereinafter: Capacity Booking Contract) for storage year 2021/2022 on the day of this announcement or during the storage year 2021/2022 shall be entitled for each 1 000 000 kWh working gas capacity booking, upon the payment of the budget limit fee of 84,400 HUF + VAT to use the services specified in the “Express Services” to be used against the Budget Limit, with fees” chapter, in the period between 01 April 2021 and 31 March 2022.


Auction Announcement Notice – 2020/2

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (hereinafter referred to as MFGT) on this day announces an auction for using gas loan plus service for the storage year 2020/21. The auction is carried out by MFGT in line with the Storage Capacity Auction Regulation II/B document as per Annex No. 1.


MFGT Daily Peak Plus Natural Gas Withdrawal Service Offer

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (MFGT) issues today a call for tenders for booking available, additional, firm, daily Withdrawal storage capacities for the period from 06:00 a.m. on 17th March 2020 until 06:00 a.m. on 1th April 2020 of the storage year 2019/2020.


Auction Announcement Notice – 2020/1

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (hereinafter referred to as MFGT) on this day announces an auction for booking available storage capacities for the storage year 2020/21. The capacity auction is carried out by MFGT in line with the Storage Capacity Auction Regulation II/B document as per Annex No. 1.


MFGT Daily Peak Plus Natural Gas Withdrawal Service Offer

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (MFGT) issues today a call for tenders for booking available, additional, firm, daily Withdrawal storage capacities for the period from 06:00 a.m. on 3rd March 2020 until 06:00 a.m. on 17th March 2020 of the storage year 2019/2020.


MFGT Daily Peak Plus Natural Gas Withdrawal Service Offer

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (MFGT) issues today a call for tenders for booking available, additional, firm, daily Withdrawal storage capacities for the period from 06:00 a.m. on 15th February 2020 until 06:00 a.m. on 3rd March 2020 of the storage year 2019/2020.


Storage capacity offer of Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd for the storage year 2021-2022, available capacities from 1st April 2020

We kindly inform our Partners that pursuant to Act No. XL of 2008 on Natural Gas Supply (hereinafter Gas Act), and pursuant to Government Decree No. 19/2009 (I.30.) on the implementation of this act (hereinafter Gas Act Implementation Decree) and in accordance with Section of the Operational and Trading Code (hereinafter Grid Code), Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (hereinafter referred to as MFGT) has published on its website (www.magyarfoldgaztarolo.hu) and IT Platform its free injection, withdrawal and working gas capacities available to book as of 1st April 2021 for one or more full storage years - not exceeding 9 storage years - with regard to the unified natural gas storage, which can be found at the following link on MFGT’s website under the menu item “MFGT’s available free and booked capacities”:


MFGT Daily Peak Plus Natural Gas Withdrawal Service Offer

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (MFGT) issues today a call for tenders for booking available, additional, firm, daily Withdrawal storage capacities for the period from 06:00 a.m. on 1st February 2020 until 06:00 a.m. on 15th February 2020 of the storage year 2019/2020.


MFGT Daily Peak Plus Natural Gas Withdrawal Service Offer

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (MFGT) issues today a call for tenders for booking available, additional, firm, daily Withdrawal storage capacities for the period from 06:00 a.m. on 1st February 2020 until 06:00 a.m. on 15th February 2020 of the storage year 2019/2020.
