Basic services

Pursuant to the one level tariff system, the tariff for basic services is the same for open market traders (non-USP) and eligible customers (USP). The applicable tariff is determined by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority in the HEPURA Resolution No. H501/2024 for the period from 01 April 2024.

Storage System fees from 01 April 2024 (excluding VAT)

Pursuant to the one level tariff system, the tariff for basic services is the same for open market traders (non-USP) and eligible customers (USP). The applicable tariff is determined by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority in the HEPURA Resolution No. H192/2025 for the period from 01 April 2025.

Storage System fees from 01 April 2025 (excluding VAT)

Other customized service, classified as an activity not subject to licence (customized service)

Fees of customized services shall be determined on the basis of individual agreement following the principle of equal treatment, as per Section 79 Subsection (4) of Government Decree No. 19/2009. (I.30.) on the implementation of Act No. XL of 2008.

List of relevant services and fees for 2024/25 storage Year

Optional services

As a supplementary service, Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. may also offer interruptible injection and withdrawal capacities in line with the Business and Commercial Code of the Hungarian natural gas system (ÜKSZ). The calculation of service fee is calculated according to the Business Conduct Rules of MFGT.

In case of seasonal and seasonal interruptible requests, the calculation of service fee is calculated according to the Business Conduct Rules of MFGT.


Storages fees of previous years

List of relevant services and fees for previous years