Storage Tariff Change applicable as of 01 October 2020

Information on the Storage Tariff Change applicable as of 01 October 2020

We kindly inform our Customers that pursuant to HEPURA Decree No. 5/2020 (VI.2.) published in the Hungarian Official Gazette (Magyar Közlöny) No. 130 of 2020, the natural gas storage fee elements set out in HEPURA Decree No. 13/2016 (XII.20.) will be modified as of 1 October 2020:

  • injection volume fee increases to 109.27 HUF/MWh from 106.8 HUF/MWh;

  • withdrawal volume fee decreases to 13.32 HUF/MWh from 15.71 HUF/MWh;

  • the multiplier of the storage capacity fee calculation formula is modified to 0.3467 from 0.3422.

Pursuant to HEPURA Decree No. 5/2020. (VI.2), HEPURA Decree No. 8/2016. (X.13.) shall be applied with regard to the storage system usage fees in the price regulation cycle ending on 31 March 2021. As to transmission capacity fees applicable in case of intra-year capacity booking, storage-stimulating seasonality will be re-introduced from October.