The globalisation of energy markets, the increasing energy demand of the world, their effects on the climate, energy prices and supply security are the key issues of the present. Our industry is in the focus of public and political debates, we are under mounting pressure and we are expected to provide adequate and convincing answers. The solution is not only a business challenge for us: we must acknowledge that the majority of people see our industry as part of the problem rather than the solution to it. As we are also partly responsible for this phenomenon, we work actively to change it.
Our objective is to make the stakeholders aware of our commitment towards the energy-related challenges, and we also intend to more efficiently present our actions against climate change and our activities improving the efficiency of energy production and usage, supply security and the liberalisation of the energy market, together with the results.


International partnership

Hungarian Gas Storage is immensely active in various international cooperations, as these platforms ensure that there is a balanced flow of information regarding the operation and challenges of the Hungarian storage infrastructure and the international lobby activities, as well as professional policies. Our company considers it especially important to represent the region and the storage infrastructure on various platforms, as well as to communicate and present its developments and ambitions to associations and their members. As the leading operator of gas storage infrastructure in the region, an important pillar of HGS’ strategy is the active presence in the international gas industry scene.

Our international memberships:

Our corporate responsibility
For the management and employees of Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd., corporate responsibility (CR) means the assumed role we perform for the society both as an enterprise and an individual through our primary business activities, social investments, charity programs and commitment to the public interest.
For Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd., ‘corporate responsibility’ is a value which is present in all our acts. The obvious objective of our company is to realise outstanding business performance, but this must be in accordance with the interest of our employees, customers, suppliers and the needs of our environment and society. This makes our successes real and sustainable successes in the long run. We are firmly convinced that we can only become a market leader company if we keep the long term interests of our society in view both in our thinking and acts.
Having realized that charity activity is not sufficient for us, we aim at improving the quality of life for a healthy, safe and sustainable environment at each platform of our activities. We consider the needs of the present generation and hence also prepare for the needs of the next generation. Corporate responsibility constitutes an organic part of our enterprise culture. CR is integrated into each work process and business activity of our company.
Through the active participation of our employees, we help the children in need and the institutes caring for them. We treat energy efficiency and the related education as a preferential issue.



Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. aims at achieving their goals in cooperation with the stakeholders, considering their interests. Due to the activities of the company, there are significantly more indirect stakeholders than direct, while the influence exercised on the indirect stakeholder circle is extensive.

The company is a key market participant: Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. is the largest natural gas storage company in Hungary and we are in a leading position in the liberalized natural gas market. This attributes responsibility to our company, and we play a key role in the secure energy supply of Hungary. However, since the energy and natural gas market is highly regulated, we have only a limited range of possibilities in many issues.

The dialogue between our company and the stakeholders is determined by the interests and the importance of the stakeholders, and also by the influence we exercise on them. We try to establish a two way communication at all times, as by thinking together, we could open the prospect for development and for finding ideal solutions. In addition, we adjust the formal and informal channels to the given.