MFGT Peak Plus Natural Gas Storage Service Offer

Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (MFGT) issues today a call for tenders for booking available, firm injection peak storage capacities for the storage year 2016/2017 from 18th May 2016 until 30th September 2016.


MFGT considers this present capacities offer as a one-time offer and does not guarantee that capacities will also be offered under the same terms and conditions in the future.
MFGT offers injection capacities with the following parameters:
1.       The following firm peak capacities can be booked in the storage year 2016/2017:
injection capacity: 30 000 000 kWh / day
2.       Fee of capacities offered:
injection capacity: HUF 25.995 + VAT/ kWh / year, excluding volume fees
This service is available to System Users with Natural Gas Storage Contract and storage capacity booking at the minimum technological ratio for the storage year 2016/17.
The technical and commercial terms of using storage services are specified by the contract concluded upon this offer and by the MFGT Code of Business Conduct.
Procedure for submitting capacity requests
Requests shall be submitted to MFGT (to all three email addresses) according to the following:
e-mail:,, and/or
fax: +36 1 354 7045 or
by mail: Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd 1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 7/8.
Evaluation of capacity requests
MFGT shall fulfill the Bidders’ capacity booking requests on a first-come, first-served basis.
This capacity offer shall by no means be deemed as a contractual commitment by MFGT towards any Bidder, and MFGT explicitly reserves the right to declare the capacity booking procedure unsuccessful within its own scope of competence.
Contracting, Terms and Conditions of Contract
Bidder shall undertake to conclude a contract - complementing its natural gas storage contract - with MFGT as a System User on booking peak capacities in case of an accepted capacity request.
Payment and guarantee conditions, along with the financial guarantees shall be determined according to the Code of Business Conduct of MFGT and the agreement between the parties.