Storage capacity offer of Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd for the storage year 2019-2020, available capacities from 1st April 2019

We kindly inform our Partners that pursuant to Act No. XL of 2008 on Natural Gas Supply (hereinafter Gas Act), and pursuant to Government Decree No. 19/2009 (I.30.) on the implementation of this act (hereinafter Gas Act Implementation Decree) and in accordance with Section 8.11 of the Operational and Trading Code (hereinafter Grid Code), Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (hereinafter referred to as MFGT) has published on its website ( and IT Platform its free injection, withdrawal and working gas capacities available to book as of 1st April 2019 for one or more full storage years - not exceeding 10 storage years - with regard to the unified natural gas storage according to the following:


Available working gas capacity

43 509 000000 kWh

Available injection capacity

302 593 442 kWh/day

Available withdrawal capacity

528 363 442 kWh/day



Load change speeds:*

Maximum injection load change speed:  10 000 - 110 000 m3/hour/hour

Maximum withdrawal load change speed:  10 000 - 185 000 m3/hour/hour


*The available load change speeds apply to the unified storage concept and may vary between the values specified depending on the relevant storage configuration of the unified storage, along with the fill level and momentary injection/withdrawal rate of each storage site.


The above mentioned capacities are offered separately, not in a bundle.

Storage fees are calculated pursuant to HEPURA decree No. 8/2016 (X.13.), HEPURA decree No. 11/2016 (XI.14.) and HEPURA decree No.13/2016 (XII.20.).

Please note that the offered capacities are available under technical conditions specified by the Grid Code and by Annex No. 12 of the MFGT Code of Business Conduct.


Please visit our website ( for further information on the changes (+/-) of injection and withdrawal capacities. MFGT provides continuously updated information.

In this respect, please note the particular importance of the following technical information on capacity booking:

  • injection and withdrawal requests can only be performed on any given gas day if the quantity requested by the system users reaches or exceeds the technological minimum of injection or withdrawal,

  • injection and withdrawal capacities vary according to the prevailing storage fill level.


Booking requests for the offered capacities must be submitted to MFGT by not later than 4th March 2019.


The content requirements of these requests are specified by Section of the Grid Code and by Section 3.1.1 of the MFGT Code of Business Conduct.


Capacity request for the storage year 2019/2020 shall be submitted in totals indicating USP and Non-USP ratios, subject to the provisions applicable to USP providers as per Section 30 of the Government Decree 19/2009 (I.19.) on the implementation of the Act No. XL of 2008 on Natural Gas Supply.

Capacity booking requests will be received by MFGT continuously, the deadline for submitting requests shall be 4th March 2019.


MFGT’s IT Platform will be used for the capacity booking process, including the announcement of the offered natural gas storage capacities, and the submission of capacities requested by the system users and documents required for booking. Should you have any questions regarding capacity booking on MFGT’s IT Platform, please do not hesitate to contact us. If so required, we shall organize a tutorial session for you.


MFGT will allocate the available capacities to the bidders pursuant to the relating stipulations of Section and of the Grid Code.


Should you have any questions, please contact:


Krisztián Deme - Head of Sales, Marketing and Regulation


phone: +36 30 663 0124

fax: +36 1 354 7045


Hajnalka Horváth


phone: +36 30 748 9971

fax: +36 1 354 7045


Balázs Gyula Meggyes


phone: +36 20 718 9343

fax: +36 1 354 7045





  1. Application for Storage Service (template)


  2. Commitment on Meeting the Quality Requirements of Natural Gas to be Stored (template)