Hungarian Gas Storage’s Project Aquamarine has started 1 February 2021

As part of the Aquamarine project Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd is intending to implement an electrolysis system with approximately 2,5 MW total performance and the corresponding hydrogen gas preparatory technology at the Kardoskut Underground Gas Storage site. Creating the system in this form carries a substantial innovative content to energy storage contept and contributes to the balance of the electricity system. By operating the electrolysis equipment, it can be ensured that instead of turning off (stopping production) renewable energy sources by using the surplus electric energy hydrogen could be produced by the decomposition of water. The hydrogen produced in this way mixed with natural gas will be utilized within the Gas Storage Ltd.’s own gas-operated equipment and reducing its own CO2 emission in this way. Furthermore, this natural gas mixed with hydrogen could be injected into the gas transmission system -strictly complying with gas quality and safety instructions – and will be part of the supply to end users. The spillover effect of the project will give ground to the widespread use of hydrogen utilization/-based technology. Through the implementation of the Aquamarine Project the Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd is strongly committed to the smart sector integration and also to playing an active role in the decarbonization processes.

The entire investment of the Aquamarine Project approximately comes to EUR 8 million, two thirds of which is tender support. The rest is provided by HGS. Due to tender support, there is a strict deadline for the project, which means that in all we have 24 months for completion including the procurement process and going live as well.





In the frame of Danube Region Strategy in 2019 Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. prepared “Sustainable Energy Storage Innovations in Danube Region Countries for the EU-Goals of the Paris Climate Agreement” study.