On 30 April 2021, the Aquamarine Project Workshop I. was held by Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (HGS) online due to the pandemic. The main goal of the Aquamarine Workshop I. was to provide information to organisations concerned by the supporting and licensing of the project. Ákos Kriston, the CEO of HGS opened the Workshop, and then Attila Steiner, the State Secretary for the Development of Circular Economy, Energy and Climate Policy at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology gave a welcome speech.

“This seems to be a very unique project and benefiting from the Hungarian conditions, I believe that it will be a key area to examine the Power-to-Gas technology and to see how we can promote it and connect it to the hydrogen energy” – Mr. Attila Steiner, State Secretary.

“I consider that this cooperation between the business sector and the universities is of key importance, and therefore I am pleased that four Hungarian universities participate in this project” – Mr. Attila Steiner, State Secretary.

During the Workshop, HGS’s Aquamarine team described how the project is integrated into the hydrogen strategy of the European Union, Hungary and the MVM Group, also covering the technical content and the current status of the project. Then research programmes related to the project were presented in cooperation with the universities and institutions involved in the project:

University of Pannonia

University of Debrecen

University of Miskolc

Budapest University of Technology and Economics


The workshop was concluded with a “Q&A” section, where participants expressed their interest and support for HGS.

Photos and the presentation of the Workshop can be accessed at the following link (we are sorry that the presentation is available in Hungarian only, but should you have any questions, please contact us):
