List of relevant services and fees for 2019/20 storage year:





Duration/Sample contract









Net fee



Storage Plus

Detailed description





Sample contract



Customized service



Fulfilling injection and withdrawal requests at any time of the year on an interruptible basis in the direction opposite to the direction of flow announced for the period.



0.325 HUF/kWh/day



100% Available Flat Curves Injection and Withdrawal Capacity



1 year

Sample contract



Customized service




Full availability of the withdrawal capacity, regardless of the fill level



1.625 HUF/kWh/year



Peak Plus



1 year

Sample contract



Customized service



Purchasing additional firm withdrawal or injection capacity for those with storage contract.



Annual: injection capacity 25.994 HUF/kWh/year,

withdrawal capacity 25.994 HUF/kWh/year


injection and withdrawal capacity 0.325 HUF/kWh/day








Flex Plus




Sample contract



Customized service



Possibility of nominating hydraulic balancing gas (HEG) to the extent of the total booked capacity, exceeding 10% of the daily allocated quantity. Payable on the allocated quantity



0.065 HUF/kWh/day



Intra Gas Day Storage Flexibility (Intraday Nomination Plus)




Sample contract



Customized service




Possibility to modify between each hour the hourly nominations for the rest of the day, for a fee, in excess of the specified tolerance range, during nomination and/or re-nomination.



0.325 HUF/kWh/day



Gas Loan Service




Sample contract



Customized service



System User uses stored gas owned by MFGT under a loan contract for a specified period



Loan fee: to be determined during the auction

See also: Description of Gas Loan Storage Service


Data Plus


1 year


Sample contract



Customized service


Reporting fundamental data (Daily Stock Level) to ACER


HUF 25,000/month


Interruptible Forwardhaul Injection Capacity Service



Sample contract

Customized service This service allows the System User to use interruptible injection capacity in an amount equal to the firm injection capacity specified in the System User’s contract in the injection period of the relevant storage year 0.0176 HUF/kWh
Interruptible Forwardhaul Withdrawal Capacity Service


Sample Contract

Customized service This service allows the System User to use interruptible withdrawal capacity in an amount equal to the firm withdrawal capacity specified in the System User’s contract in the withdrawal period of the relevant storage year 0.0176 HUF/kWh
Gas Loan Plus Service


Sample Contract

Customized service System User uses stored gas owned by MFGT under a loan contract for a specified period. Working gas, injection and withdrawal capacities shall mandatorily belong to the borrowed Gas Quantity.

Servicefee: to be determined during the auction

See also: Description of Gas Loan Plus Storage Service