Extent of Storage plus service regarding storage year 2025/2026
Gas Storage Ltd (HGS) hereby informs its customers that in storage year
2025/2026 the extent of the Storage plus service (interruptible injection and
withdrawal capacities in the direction opposite to the announced storage
direction) is the triple amount of the firm injection and withdrawal
capacity specified in the System User’s contract(s).
Service Fee: specified in the applicable Fee List.
If the System User has an Express contract, -
up to the amount of the budget limit - the interruptible injection and
withdrawal capacity in the direction opposite to the announced direction of
storage flow in the quantity equal to the System User’s contracted firm
capacity (kWh/day) shall be settled at the unit price specified in the
applicable Express offer announcement; while the quantity used in excess
thereof (up to the double) shall be invoiced at the unit price specified in the
applicable Fee List.