Extension of the injection period until 15th October 2016

For the sake of smooth natural gas supply in winter, Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd extends the injection period originally ending on 1st October by 15 days, until 6:00 on 16th October 2016, based on coordination with the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority – as authorized by the Grid Code and the Code of Business Conduct.

This injection motivating step is justified by our aim to improve preparation for the winter months.

System Users shall submit demand for using their injection capacity during extended period till the end of gas day 30th September 2016 on the following contacts: Horváth Hajnalka horvathh@mfgt.hu (+36 30 748 9971), Csaba Márton, csabam@mfgt.hu (+36 30 268 9349); Meggyes Balázs, meggyesb@mfgt.hu (+36 30 718 9343).
Budapest, September 2016