Fire Extinguished in MFGT’s Hajdúszoboszló Gas Storage Site

The fire that broke out today at dawn in the underground gas storage site of the Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd (MFGT) in Hajdúszoboszló was extinguished at 13:15 PM by the professionals of the fire department and disaster management. During fire control, MFGT’s staff maintained the pressure required by the fire department in order to prevent backdraught. There were no personal injuries in the course of fire control.


Based on our experts’ prior opinion, the fire has not caused any environmental damage or pollutant emission into the air. During the fire, population in the vicinity of the facility was not exposed to any danger. Professional restraining precautions were taken by the authorities to control the number of civilians in the vicinity of the site.



As a next step, our colleagues will assess the damage and start carrying out the required intervention and work necessary for resuming normal operation in the storage site as early as possible. According to initial information, recovery, restoring and replacing damaged equipment will require a few weeks to complete. This will not compromise the gas supply of the country, as the gas storage demand of traders can be fully met by the company’s other three gas storage facilities. During the fire, customers’ stored gas stock was not damaged.


MFGT once again expresses its gratitude for the professional intervention taken by the units of the police, disaster management and fire department, and for the patience of the public for the inconvenience caused.